GEEZ..Vivian's goin to become some kind of VIP (Not Very Important Person butVery Insane Person) again..Cuzzz...exam is coming in a couples of days.RARW~~!!
And yet i still have loads of subjectS's chapterS!!
Eventually my butt still use to stick on the computer chair.*KILL MYSELF*
And i really have to say,i need to study from chapter 1,every thing is seems new to mey,really hard for me to grasp.
But things are always have the brighter side,and the brighter side was what im longing for months!!It is.......MID TERM HOLIDAY and yet it is the first time in my life time to leaving home more than 2 days with a cluster of monkeys(include monkey vivian)!!!(\^ ^/)
OH YEA..i dun study also becuz...
well,let see this equation----
study=no fail--formula 1
no study=fail--formula 2
(formula 1 + formula 2)
study+no study=fail + no fail
both sides have (1+no),cut it out
--------END ISSUE---------
Gobbledegook(inspired by a TURKEY!!!)--
A funny word that i get to know through Mrs.Naidu's class..and it sounds like some kind of cartoon character,indeed!
And Mrs.Naidu illustrate the word by some fun-face, just LMAO
Coincidentally,it just describe my current feeling perfectly!
Knew a couple of unexpected stuff..
and Confusing
Confusing again...

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