Why does time pass by so quickLY!
5 months since the year started,is about half year had gone...But i seems doenst leanrt any single stuff in the school.
And my mid-term exam is just around the corner.And........S.O.S!!

Bwahahaahahha...ask me more bout the ''Fresh Orange?'' above.(Adapted from Cikgu Suguz)
ARRRHH...whatever exam,exam is just around the corner(again)!!
Exam's killing me!!
Still continue reading some..*hesitate...clearing throat*

Vivian is goin to become more and more retarded!!XD
Someone please just wake me up!!
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VINCENT CHAN-Your name is once again appear on my blog!

And guys,everytime u saw his name.You guys should know something bad is once happened to me AGAIN!!
And this time,it was my head's turn.
Vincent built a ''KL Tower(bruise)'' on my forehead!
Andddd...this is how it happened---
I was asked to see Cik.mang during Moral class for the debate competion.So,am goin'..for sure.
So,I was go with Vincent's company.And,i was trying to disturbing him and make him feel irritating and he seems weak and pale bacuz he's just having his medicine(and this is what i use to do most of the time).And he was trying to revenge by tickling me.So..i was trying to escape,and he keep repeating.Then...POPS!My forehead got knocked on the stair handle.And my tears is like TSUNAMI,cant stop it.
But that Vincent just pretend nothing at first!!arghh!!hate youuuuu!!Then he started to getting nervous,and dunnnoe what to do(to comfort me ><).
Then he get some ice cubes from the canteen,to stop the pain(?)-i think!XD
Later,we headed back to the class.And everyone seems surprise+nervous(too)...then most of them(include the teacher) gather around me to comfort me again while scolding Vincent!!(I'm still crying)XD
Well,i might been crying really loud! When I lifted up my head, surprisingly my voice captured ppls's attention.GOSH!! Embarrassing!!!
LMAO...fatal experience...=.='''
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